HypnoCBT Clinic: A CBH Approach

HypnoCBT Clinic uses a combination of CBT and Hypnotherapy to provide a solution-focused therapeutic approach to treatment. This approach is also known as Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy, and is a widely used, evidence-based therapy. Within this type of therapy, the therapist and client are jointly responsible for the planning and conceptualisation of the service. In other words, the client is in the driver's seat at all times and all decisions regarding the therapeutic approach are made together, ensuring the client receives the most effective therapy to reach their goals. 

Benefits of Using an Evidence-Based Therapeutic Approach

This integrative method leverages the strengths of both CBT and Hypnotherapy, offering a powerful tool for addressing a wide range of psychological issues. Here are the key benefits of using an evidence-based CBH approach to therapy:

Enhanced Efficacy Through Integration

CBT is a well-established, evidence-based therapy that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviours. Hypnotherapy, on the other hand, utilizes the power of hypnosis to access the subconscious mind, facilitating deeper psychological change. By integrating these two approaches, CBH provides a comprehensive treatment that addresses both conscious and subconscious factors contributing to a person’s issues. This dual approach can lead to more effective and long-lasting outcomes compared to using CBT or hypnotherapy alone.

Accelerated Progress

One of the significant advantages of CBH is the potential for accelerated therapeutic progress. Hypnosis can help clients achieve a deeply relaxed and focused state, making them more receptive to cognitive and behavioural interventions. This heightened state of suggestibility allows therapists to introduce positive suggestions and cognitive reframing more effectively, which can speed up the process of change. Clients often report quicker relief from symptoms and faster achievement of therapeutic goals when CBH is used.

Versatility in Treating Various Conditions

CBH has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of psychological conditions, including anxiety, depression, phobias, stress-related disorders, and addiction. The versatility of this approach makes it suitable for addressing complex cases where multiple factors may be contributing to the client’s distress. For instance, CBH can be used to help individuals manage anxiety by combining cognitive restructuring with relaxation and visualization techniques provided through hypnosis.

Skills-Based Training

A central tenet of CBT is empowering clients to become their own therapists by teaching them skills to manage their thoughts and behaviours. CBH enhances this empowerment by also teaching clients self-hypnosis techniques, which they can use outside of therapy sessions to reinforce positive changes and maintain their progress. This added layer of self-efficacy helps clients feel more in control of their mental health and better equipped to handle future challenges.

Reducing Resistance

Resistance to therapy can be a significant barrier to progress. Hypnosis can help reduce resistance by facilitating a state of relaxation and openness, making clients more receptive to therapeutic interventions. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who are initially sceptical or anxious about therapy. The use of hypnosis can help build a strong therapeutic alliance, fostering trust and collaboration between the therapist and the client.

Personalized Treatment

CBH allows for highly personalized treatment plans tailored to the specific needs and goals of each client. Therapists can combine various CBT techniques, such as cognitive restructuring, exposure therapy, and behavioural activation, with tailored hypnotherapy interventions. This flexibility ensures that therapy is closely aligned with the client’s unique experiences and challenges, maximizing the likelihood of positive outcomes.

Therapies at HypnoCBT Clinic

Smoking/Vaping Cessation

Gambling Addiction

Gaming Addiction

Are you ready to take the first step towards positive change? Book your free consultation with Claire at HypnoCBT Clinic today.